We have a strict Zero Tolerance Policy regarding the abuse of our staff, any patient displaying either verbal or physically abusive behavior WILL be removed from the practice list.


Its time to change how Practice staff are treated, its never acceptable to treat, behave or talk to people in a abusive manner however it does become the norm if this behaviour isn't challenged or discussed.

We need you to work with us and help us to stamp this unnaceptable behaviour out, before you abuse our staff, ask yourself.....

  • Is it acceptable behaviour? .. Really?
  • How would YOU feel if you were verbally and/or physically abused at work whilst just doing your job and trying to help people?
  • What if it was a member of your family treated in this manner?
  • Is it the staff members fault that you feel this way?
  • Are they able to change anything regarding your request or are they just doing the best that they can do?


Unacceptable behaviours include:-

  • Verbal or physical abuse directed at any Practice Staff or other patients. The practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any abusive or personal comments, swearing, raising of voice towards staff, physical contact or aggressive and rude gestures.
  • Patient demonstrates deceit, for example forgery or lying.
  • Patient causes wilful damage to practice property.
  • Patient continuously fails to attend scheduled appointments therefore wasting valuable clinical time and resources

Our Zero Tolerance Policy also covers directing abuse at the Practice and its Staff via Social Media

  • If any derogatory posts regarding the Practice or its staff are brought to our attention, they could be viewed as a potential breakdown in the doctor-patient professional relationship and may result in the individual being removed from our list.
  • We may contact the patients involved and invite them to have a discussion with the Practice Manager to explore any issues they may have.
  • We welcome all feedback as it gives us the opportunity to review the services that we provide and, where necessary or appropriate, make changes or improvements.
  • We would ask that rather than posting derogatory or hurtful comments about the practice or any of our staff on social media, please speak to us about this or put your comments to us in writing giving us the opportunity to respond
  • Posting derogatory and/or offensive comments online can cause unwarranted distress to our Practice members and Staff
  • They may also cause other patients to delay or dissuade them from presenting to the surgery to receive medical treatment.


Any patients found to be in breach of the Zero Tolerance Policy will  be provided with the following written information:

You will remain under the care of this practice for a period of seven days (from patient's receipt of notice of removal) or until another GP is obtained by you the patient. Only patients removed as violent patients and unable to personally obtain a new GP will be allocated a GP by the BSO.
You are advised to take your medical card to another surgery to request registration. If you are turned down by three practices you are advised to contact the Business Services Organisation who will assign a GP to you.

Contact details are:

Business Services Organisation
2 Franklin Street
Belfast BT2 8DQ

Tel: 0300 555 0113

If you have mislaid or lost your medical card, you are advised to apply for a new one ( BSO contact details as above).

You will be advised that a medical card is preferable as it allows the new GP quicker access to your medical notes.

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