Our practice offers a wide range of immunisations (listed below).  Most immunisations are administered by our practice nurses via appointment only.  We do not hold drop in clinic's for these services. 


Routine Childhood Immunisations (details in red book):   Appointments are sent directly from The Child Health Department, John Mitchel Place, Newry.


Men ACWY: Vaccine available to those born between 2 July 1996 and 1 July 2001 and who have not yet received the Men ACWY vaccine. This group of patients are eligible to request and receive the vaccine from the surgery up until the age of 25 years. The existing arrangements for first time university entrants up to the age of 25 will continue to apply. 


Shingles Vaccine:  Offered only to a specific age groups over 70 years old, which varies from year to year.  Speak to a member of staff for details. 


Pneumococcal Vaccine: Vaccine available to those who:

  • are aged 65 years and over
  • are aged 2 years and over and have a medical condition included in a clinical at risk group (refer to list below under flu vaccine)
  • have asplenia, splenic dysfunction or chronic kidney disease and require a pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) booster
  • are aged 2 years and over and have been identified by PHA as requiring vaccination due to an outbreak or public health situation


Flu VaccineOur Influenza campaign early October each year.  The vaccine is offered to:

  • All patients age 65 and over
  • Age from 18 years - under 65 years in a clinical at risk group such as Asthma, COPD, Bronchitis, CHD (coronary heart disease), CKD (chronic kidney disease), chronic liver disease, chronic neurological disease such as Parkinsons or Learning Disability, Diabetes, Asplenia or Splenic Dysfunction, a weakened immune system due to disease or Morbid Obesity (BMI > 40).
  • All pregnant women
  • All those living in long stay residential care homes.
  • Carers in receipt of carers allowance or are the main carer for elderly / disabled person
  • Household contacts of immunocompromised individuals and close contact is unavoidable over the winter period.
  • Health and social care workers with direct patient / service user contact
  • All preschool children aged 2 years or more who are not able to receive LAIV (live attenuated influenza vaccine).

Fluenz Nasal Spray. Also known as LAIV (Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine).  This flu immunisation is offered to all pre-school children age 2 years or more. An invitation letter will be sent to the parent / guardian of all eligible children.  This vaccine is also offered in primary schools to all children from P1 - P7.  We can only administer LAIV to children of primary school age if they have missed the immunisation dates allocated to their school.

Fluenz is the Immunisation of choice for children 2 years - 18 years of age in a clinical at risk group (refer to list above under flu vaccine). 

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